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人物介紹:書法大師沈鵬先生(b. 1931)
Shen Peng was born in 1931 in Jiangsu, China. He is a distinguished calligrapher, poet and art critic. He is the honorary president of the China Calligraphers Association (CCA), and the vice president of China Federation of Literacy and Art Cicles (CFLAC). Shen's artwork has been issued as postage stamps in Canada. He is hugely influential in the world of calligraphy and art
With his excellent mastery of calligraphy, he is particularly skillful in the semicursive script, but also an expert in the clerical script and the regular script among others. His over 10,000 works spread throughout Asia and the West, and are also engraved on tourist attractions all over China. He received the highest honour in Chinese calligraphy; Lifetime achievement award from the Lanting Award of Chinese Calligraphy. He also held a personal poetry and calligraphy exhibition at the National Art Museum of China.
Using his own piece called 'Three states of scholarship according to Wang Guowei', Shen Peng explains the 'rhetorical devices' employed in his calligraphy (watch the video for examples). These techniques offer a rich emotional impact, as well as a sense harmony as the different elements are well coordinated. The different lines in the work correspond to one another. As the saying goes, 'Qi Tong Yu Ge Hang'. Qi, as the vital energy, has to flow well throughout the piece.
‘Preface to the Poems Composed at the Orchid Pavilion’ is a masterpiece of Wang Xizhi. The author first describes the delightful gathering with a group of like-minded intellectuals. Based on the beautiful scenery, he bewails the striking brevity of life. Through the ages, humans are never able to escape the passing of time and the sorrow it brings. The author expresses his regret for this.
On this theme, the renowned calligrapher, Shen Peng, wrote a set of 6 vertical scrolls in 2008 (as shown in the video). Each scroll measures 134x34cm.
Please refer to video subtitles for full English translation.
'Passing rain' is a poem by Huang Geng from the late Song Dynasty. On this theme, Shen Peng produced this piece of calligraphy in 2007, measuring 55x55cm in size.
'Untitled' is a poem by Li Shangyin from the late Tang Dynasty. On this theme, Shen Peng produced this piece of calligraphy in 2008, measuring 68x136cm in size.
昨夜星辰昨夜風 Under last night’s stars and in last night’s winds
畫樓西畔桂堂東 'Twixt east Cassia Hall and west painted house
身無綵鳳雙飛翼 To fly abreast, we have no phoenix wings
心有靈犀一點通 But we do have empathy for us each
隔座送鉤春酒暖 The heart-warm spring wines and the Jenkins game
分曹射覆蠟燈紅 The glowing candles and the game To Name
嗟餘聽鼓應官去 What a loss when clock-strikes rush me ahorse
走馬蘭臺類轉蓬 To Lantai, I’m a weed adrift off-course
'Climbing to Oxhead Temple' is a poem by Du Fu (Du Shaoling) from the Tang Dynasty. On this theme, Shen Peng produced this piece of calligraphy in 1988, measuring 68x136cm in size.
青山意不盡 My interest in green mountains never ends
袞袞上牛頭 I climb sinuously up Oxhead
無復能拘礙 No more can I be hampered and hindered
真成浪出遊 I have truly achieved an unbridled excursion
花濃春寺靜 The flowers are richly coloured, the spring temple serene
竹細野池幽 The bamboo thin, the wilderness pool secluded
何處鶯啼切 Why is the oriole crying so piercingly?
移時獨未休 As time passes it alone does not cease
'Bibliography of Mr Five-Willows' is a classic poem by Tao Yuanming. The poet describes a scholarly hermit who lives by five willow trees. Despite the straitened circumstances, he is content with his peaceful, solitary life. As such, the poem is widely considered a portrayal of the poet's own lifestyle.
On this theme, the renowned calligrapher, Shen Peng, wrote this piece in 2006 (as shown in the video). The piece measures 50x220cm.
先生不知何許人也,亦不詳其姓字。宅邊有五柳樹,因以為號焉。閑靜少言,不慕榮利。好讀書,不求甚解,每有會意,便欣然忘食。性嗜酒,家貧,不能常得。親舊知其如此,或置酒而招之。造飲輒盡,期在必醉,既醉而退,曾不吝情去留。環堵蕭然,不蔽風日;短褐穿結,簞瓢屢空。晏如也。 常著文章自娛,頗示己志。忘懷得失,以此自終。
Please refer to video subtitles for full English translation.
「志與秋霜潔,心隨朗月高」是唐太宗李世民 在《經破薛舉戰地》內的一句詩詞。形容自己的志向像秋霜一樣純潔,心胸像明月一樣廣遠。
This line is an excerpt from ‘Passing through Xueju’s battlefield’ by Li Shimin, The Emperor Taizong of Tang. It describes an ambition as pure as autumn frost, and a mind as vast as a bright moon.
書法家沈鵬 先生以此為題,在2007年寫下這幅的書法作品,大小為136x34公分。
On this theme, the renowned calligrapher, Shen Peng, wrote this piece in 2007 (as shown in the video). The piece measures 136x34cm.
The artwork displayed in this video are part of Willard Gallery's collection. It measures 100x35cm. Please get in touch to find out more.
「消息盈虛,終則有始」來自莊子 的《秋水》篇(公元前369至286年),形容萬物皆有繁盛和凋零的循環。當一個週期結束時,就是一個新週期的開始。「道」就是指這種不變的規律,人不能停止時間流逝,應該接受生命中的各種變化,順其自然。
‘Decay and growth, fullness and emptiness, when they end, begin again’ is from Zhuangzi’s ‘The Floods of Autumn’ (369-286 BC). It describes the cycle of fullness and emptiness, and the fact that every declining cycle is succeeded by a new one. Such a permanent pattern is called ‘Dao’. As humans we cannot stop the passage of time; what we ought to do is to allow and accept the natural course of transformation in life.
「室雅何須大,花香不在多」是一句來自清代文學家 #鄭板橋 的詩詞。書畫家 #霍春陽 先生以此為題,在2007年寫下這幅的書法作品,大小為115x22公分。
‘An elegant chamber wouldn't lay claim to its largeness. The fragrant flowers are, of their number, careless’ is an excerpt from a poem by the Qing writer, Zheng Xie (also known as Banqiao). On this theme, the renowned artist, Huo Chunyang, wrote this piece in 2007 (as shown in the video). The piece measures 115x22cm.
‘A sudden burst of her spring scent at night refreshes the air travelling wide’ is an excerpt from the poem ‘White Plum Blossom’ by the Yuan-dynasty poet, Wang Mian. On this theme, the renowned artist, Huo Chunyang, wrote this piece in 2007 (as shown in the video), measuring 136x34cm.
「君子比德如玉」這一句來自《禮記》。孔子把君子的性格比擬為美玉,認為真正的君子應有溫潤的品格和仁德,像玉一樣經過琢磨後綻放光華。‘The gentleman likens virtue to jade’ is an excerpt from the Book of Rites. ‘Jade’ was used by Confucius as a metaphor for the noble character of a true gentleman. He believed that a gentleman should have a kind heart and integrity. Through carving and polishing, a gentleman possesses jade-like splendour and brilliance.
On this theme, the renowned artist, He Jiaying, wrote this piece in 1999 (as shown in the video), measuring 136x34cm.
‘The drizzle freshens up the mountain view in front of me. The evening tide causes the river below to turn westwards’ is a rhyming couplet by the Qing dynasty writer Zheng Banqiao. On this theme, the renowned artist, Zhao Shaoang, wrote this piece in 1992 (as shown in the video), measuring 130x33cm.
To find out more, please get in touch.