Our Collections
The artworks displayed are part of Willard Gallery's collection. Please get in touch to find out more.
印度小葉紫檀:八仙雕像 Red Sandalwood Eight Immortals (一套8件 Set of 8)
This set of Eight Immortals sculptures are made of Red Sandalwood. Red Sandalwood is considered one of the Chinese trio of exquisite trees because of its hardness and its rich colour and lustre. Unlike other types of wood, Red Sandalwood does not dry up or crack over time. As a tree, it grows very slowly. It takes up to 500 to 800 years for it to become ready for carving. Besides, Red Sandalwood has been hugely popular in palaces and among the upper class since the Ming and Qing dynasties, leading to overlogging and the current classification as an endangered species by the IUCN. So even for collectors alike, it isn’t easy to find a gem like this on the market.
The art of traditional Chinese wood carving matured and peaked in the Ming and Qing dynasties, with the craftsmanship passed on by generations of dedicated artists. This set of sculptures showcase the different personal characteristics of the eight immortals, namely male, female, old, young, rich, poor, noble and lowly. Each of them manifests their unique features and countenance. While creating these sculptures, the artist chisel and refine fine details of their eyes, hair and the magical gadgets they carry. Through polishing, it further brings out the layers and rich colour inherent in the Red Sandalwood.
印度小葉紫檀:十八羅漢木雕 Red Sandalwood Eighteen Arhats
As depicted in Buddhism, the Arhats are 16 disciples of Shakyamuni (Gautama Buddha) who have reached the state of Nirvana and are free of worldly cravings. With a compassion for all living things, Shakyamuni asked his 16 disciples to remain in the secular world, so as to spread Buddhist doctrines far and wide.
As Buddhism gained popularity in China, the 16 Arhats have become a popular subject among artists. In Chinese folklore, the number of Arhats has increased from 16 to 18 in the late Tang dynasty.
印度小葉紫檀:羅漢與達摩 Red Sandalwood Arhat and Dharma (五公斤以下 Below 5 KG)
達摩打坐 Dharma sitting in meditation (3.58 KG)
達摩托缽 Dharma holding an alms bowl (1.53 KG)
托缽羅漢 Arhat holding an alms bowl (3.6 KG)
伏虎羅漢 Arhat subduing a tiger (3 KG)
濟公 Jigong/ Daoji (4.7 KG)
農夫 Peasant (1.8 KG)
印度小葉紫檀:關公與鐘馗 Red Sandalwood Guan Yu and Zhong Kui (五公斤以上 Above 5 KG)
關公 Guan Yu
飛天達摩 Dharma in flight
達摩面壁 Dharma sits facing the wall in meditation
達摩合掌 Dharma with clasped hands
達摩後仰 Standing Dharma
鐘馗出巡 Zhong Kui on patrol
印度小葉紫檀:赤壁夜遊 Red Sandalwood - A night trip to Chibi
靈芝 Lingzhi/Reishi mushroom
蘇軾 Su Shi (Writer and calligrapher from the Song Dynasty)
船夫 Boatman
擺件 Ornament
童僕 Child servant
印度小葉紫檀:八仙擺件 Red Sandalwood Eight Immortals Figural Group (四十八公斤 48 KG)
The Eight Immortals sculpture is made of Red Sandalwood, and is 22.44 KG in weight. The display stand is made of African Blackwood, and is 25.88 KG in weight. Together the item weighs 48.32 KG.
To find out more, please get in touch.